Film Project Vol.1 - Bailee">

"Aaron Nagel Vol.1, Bailee" A Jamie Heinrich Short. Featuring Bailee Mykell. Cinematography by Jamie Heinrich & Max Ritter.

I have the distinct honor of being featured, (along with fantastic model and recent muse, Bailee)  in a short film series by filmmaker Jamie Heinrich. In progress for months, Jamie documented our reference photo shoot for a new painting, and interviewed Bailee and me about the process. I think it's a really interesting perspective on what goes into the planning stages of a painting, how model and artist interact, and what the process looks like in comparison to the final product. it's a side of things people don't often see, I couldn't be happier with how it came out. can't wait to do more! (also, make sure you watch in HD and fullscreen if you can.)

A huge thank you to Jamie for being so supportive, and of course, to Bailee for being a fantastic model and inspiration.


Portrait of Sarah Explainer
