ART BASEL 2010 pt.I


I was able to get to Miami for Art Basel again this year, and this time, I felt I had a much better handle on how to approach the fairs. For those who haven't been, Miami basically turns into a huge art gallery, with fairs situated in all parts of the city. They can be tricky to get to without wheels, and packing in so much art can be a challenge (physically and mentally). that's on top of the fact that there are parties every night --  I don't get too crazy myself, but nobody really gets any sleep.  This year, especially because the WhiteWalls show and hotel were centrally located, I made a point to pack in as much art as possible and not get too distracted by the events (and the beach). I saw a ton of great art, discovered a lot of new artists, and was generally incredibly inspired. I tried to take pictures of the work I particularly liked so I could further look into those artists I hadn't heard of, and so I'd have images to post here (of other people's art for a change). enjoy! [ps. there is a lot, so click the "continued" below to see more]




Culver City this Saturday